Home > Products > Switches > Dip

DA                             Mfg. Part #: DA
Features: Right Angle Type (H: 10.3mm)
Number of Poles: 2-10, 12
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
DP                             Mfg. Part #: DP
Features: Piano Type (H: 9.9mm)
Number of Poles: 2-10, 12
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
DPLC                           Mfg. Part #: DPLC
Features: Piano Type (H: 9.3mm)
Number of Poles: 1-10, 12
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
DS                             Mfg. Part #: DS
Features: Slide Type (H: 6-7.1mm)
Number of Poles: 1-10, 12
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
S3DS                           Mfg. Part #: S3DS
Features: Tri-State Type
Number of Poles: 4, 8, 9, 10
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
S3LPC                          Mfg. Part #: S3LPC
Features: Tri-State IC SMD Type
Number of Poles: 4, 8, 9, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
S3LPD                          Mfg. Part #: S3LPD
Features: Tri-State IC Through Hole Type
Number of Poles: 4, 8, 9, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SD127N                         Mfg. Part #: SD127N
Features: 1.27mm Half Pitch, (Height: 1.6mm)
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDA                            Mfg. Part #: SDA
Features: Flat Terminal S.M.D. Type 12.00mm Width
Number of Poles: 2-12
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDB                            Mfg. Part #: SDB
Features: S.M.D. Type J Bend Terminal 7.87mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 2-12
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDN                            Mfg. Part #: SDN
Features: S.M.D. Type Gull Wing Terminal 9.80mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 1-12
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDNPC                          Mfg. Part #: SDNPC
Features: Piano Type (SMD) Body Height: 5.00mm
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDNPD                          Mfg. Part #: SDNPD
Features: Piano Type (DIP) Body Height: 5.00mm
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDS                            Mfg. Part #: SDS
Features: Through Hole Type Dip Switch 7.62 & 9.84mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 2-12
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SDSL                           Mfg. Part #: SDSL
Features: Single In-Line H: 5.00mm
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SKI                            Mfg. Part #: SKI
Features: End-Stackable Through Hole Type 7.62mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 1-10, 12
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SKM                            Mfg. Part #: SKM
Features: End-Stackable SMD Type 9.8mm Width
Number of Poles: 1-10, 12
Seal Tape: Yes
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SKPC                           Mfg. Part #: SKPC
Features: Piano End-Stackable Piano SMD Type 9.80mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
SKPD                           Mfg. Part #: SKPD
Features: Piano End-Stackable Through Hole Type 7.62mm Pitch
Number of Poles: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Switch Hill Spec Sheet
Images shown are a representation only. Product and marking may be different, refer to datasheet for exact specifications.